
Ryan Fehr holds the Michael G. Foster Professorship at the University of Washington's Foster School of Business, where he teaches courses on leadership, personal change, and related topics. His research focuses on helping people build more joyful and energizing relationships, with a particular interest in gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness, which he has studied in organizations ranging from a microlending nonprofit in Pakistan to a large airline catering service in China. His work has been featured in news outlets such as the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, and in bestselling books such as Dan Pink’s When and Marie Kondo and Scott Sonenshein's Joy at Work.

In addition to his research experience, Ryan has worked with organizations such as Mercer Human Resources, the University of Washington Hospital System, and IDEO's open innovation project, and gives talks on relationship building to a range of audiences. He received his Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology from the University of Maryland under the guidance of Michele J. Gelfand, and has served as an Associate Editor at OBHDP. His first book, focused on helping people build the skills they need for joyful, energizing relationships, is scheduled for publication in Fall of 2026 with Simon and Schuster.